Tongue Ties and Lip Ties
Dr. Taylor Geyman has sought extensive training on Tongue and Lip Ties and how they can affect an infant's ability to eat. They can lead to things like colic, trouble and pain with nursing.
If you suspect your infant has a tongue or lip tie, you can discuss with your primary care provider and come in for a visit with Dr. Geyman. We will get a thorough idea of symptoms, evaluate the tongue tie and we can usually complete the treatment the same day. It's a great idea to bring both parents, if possible, and as soon as the procedure is done, you can feed your baby. Patients usually notice a difference right away.
We always encourage you to do some research before coming in. The following link leads you to some great information.
For All Ages
Tongue and lip ties can affect patients of all ages. They can cause unwanted spacing between teeth, gum recession and more. Dr. Geyman is experienced in treating tongue ties and lip ties for a broad range if patients. We are happy to answer any questions you may have at your next visit.